Current Issue

Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

Kitap İncelemesi

The Journal of Anadolu Strategy is an international, scholarly, and double-blind reviewed journal published by Anadolu University’s Center of Strategic Studies. The journal aims to increase and extend scholarly studies which will contribute to field. The Journal includes articles in all sub-fields of international relations. In addition, articles in related areas of specialization are welcome.

Our Journal which started its publication life in 2019, is an international refereed academic journal published twice a year, in December and June.
It is indexed by Google Scholar, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), ASOS Index, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Paperity, EuroPub Academic and Scientific Journals, Index Copernicus, Cite Factor, Root Indexing and International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR).
The Journal of Anadolu Strategy accepts manuscripts for publication as research articles, compilations and book reviews written in Turkish and English, provided that they are prepared in accordance with the journal's spelling rules.
The manuscripts submitted to our journal for evaluation should not have been published before, not accepted for publication and should not be in the process of being evaluated for publication. Responsibility for the works that are in the evaluation process and published are entirely the author(s). ANASAM-ASD is published online and the evaluation process is carried out electronically by double-blinded method.

Reference Style and Format

Journal of Anadolu Strategy adopts version 6 of APA (American Psychological Association) reference style for in-text citation and reference. All sources used in the preparation of the article should be specified in the bibliography in accordance with the APA 6th Edition format.
For detailed information about APA 6th Edition:
- American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: APA.

Compliance with ethical standards is is of essential significance. The ethical standards, of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), are adopted by our Journal. The Journal of Anadolu Strategy invites all parties to follow those international ethical principles determined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics,

The Journal of Anadolu Strategy does not charge any fees for article submission or article processing.